Design your Life

Would you like to design your life, live on purpose and thrive?

Here are simple effective purposeful actions to go from reaction chaser to decision maker.
Everyday actions to set you up to design and create. 
Putting you in a position to open up to your best life.
Fine tuning your everyday to make a big difference.
Here are 5 small actions that will lead you away from just being busy with a maintenance focus to directed and purpose driven.

Action 1

The first action is to focus on the words you are thinking and the words you are saying.   The words that limit who you are and how you see yourself.

When you hear the words SHOULD, COULD, BUT come bubbling out from your mouth stop yourself and replace with CAN and WILL.

Yes, there are more words that will tend to hold us back from change.  These two CAN and WILL do get you thinking about the words that you use regularly without a second thought. Now your intention is  to focus on deliberate thought and words that will make a difference to your outlook.

Action 2

Another action is fine tuning your participation in what you do.

A good place to start is with the unconscious competent tasks, the ones you have mastered and now do without a second thought,  those actions like brushing your teeth, tie your shoelace, your morning routine, driving to work, the everyday greetings to others.   The skills that when you were first learning seemed difficult and now are easy.

OK, now look at them in detail, enjoy the moment, look at it with fresh eyes and see how competent and skilful you are now. You are not taking those skills for granted, you had to work at it and now you do them without your mind really participating.

Keep going, look for more skills you do every day and how you now make the difficult look so easy.

You are mindful now of the tasks that you do and appreciate that the more difficult and the new require your full attention.

Action 3

Actions 1 and 2 are all about raising your attention to be deliberate in your thoughts, words and skills.

This next one is for you to create the structure in your everyday routine.  The type of structure that pulls down the excuses of priority shifting, waiting for when life slows down or too busy right now, maybe later.

Schedule your day, week, month with this in mind

Know what you want and why
Know what you want to avoid and why


Plan, prioritise and goal set
Watch for the blindspots that cause you to be distracted
Keep the options to a minimum


Measure and reflect on how are you doing
Ask your critical friend or coach to help you be accountable

Action 4

Put your focus where you can make the most difference.  Challenge yourself everyday with these daily questions.

What are the most important things in my life?
Did I do my best?  For a great range of "Did I do my best... questions", visit Marshall Goldsmth's site.

Marshall Goldsmith "Did I do my best.." questions

Action 5

Be kind to yourself, be your own best friend.

Replace the silly stories you have about yourself with affirming life giving stories.

Your mind and body have heard and acknowledged the stories of not good enough and you will get resistance initially. Keep going, this one can be tough to break.  You are now making the shift to have praise and worthiness the new familiar in your mind.  Replace the fault finding with a strong self belief and a talent for finding joy.

How many times have you started out with the big idea to design your life, to live on purpose, to be deliberate in action  and create something great for your life, while all the time you were feeling that it wasn't going to happen?

For change to happen there needs to be a match with your thoughts and your feelings.  

For change to happen there is a strong desire, an emotional connection to want and be the change.  

My hope as you use these 5 small actions, it will start you on the path of designing your life to be the best you.

 Unlock your best future
My words are centred in the desire and intention to help people bring about their best and connect to their best future.

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