To which do you devote most time to...thinking of success or of failure?  Napoleon Hill

It is not a big leap of understanding to know that if your most regular thoughts are about failure, then that is the path you will walk.  If you asked yourself the Napoleon Hill question, you may deny that you think of is an exercise to find out what is really going on in the background.  

When you are in those moments, the fleeting moments when you are doing something that you do automatically, those moments when not much concentrated thinking is going on, like walking the dog, hanging out the clothes, sitting in traffic...any of those times where you let your mind go on autopilot.  

What thoughts come bubbling to the surface?  
The thoughts that run across your mind and you accept.  
The thinking that is showing you the cracks between success and failure.
What are the contradictions that occur in your own mind that thwart success?

Use this to your advantage and find out what cracks are showing up. It is all part of shaking up your beliefs and to sort out what is working and not working for you.

Here are a few examples of stray thoughts that show the cracks between success and failure.  If and when you give them your time be sure to replace with thoughts of your success.

I am going to be happy when......
It is one of those "go to" excuses that is so very harmful. Success is created with momentum and the 'happy when' thoughts are putting your life on hold. You will be waiting a very long time for when the conditions are right, a long time waiting for success.

I feel guilty for.....
It is said, that guilt is paying interest on a loan that you have never taken, a wasted, useless emotion that is of no benefit to you or to others. Learn the lesson and if you can, right the wrong and let go.

When I have more money, I can do all the things I want to do.
Waiting on the sidelines for your future to just happen to you, sets you up for failure. "To let fate choose your situation invites defeat" The Art of War.   Suspend your belief that this is true for you and do now what you can with what you have.

I would like to have.....but I don't have the money/resources/talent or my partner would not approve.
This is a good indicator that your self esteem is weak. You may find yourself in a place of learned helplessness, where you believe you have no control of your external circumstances. When you anchor yourself into these restrictions, you are not free to move into the future. Select new possibilities without the self imposed restrictions.

I am worried about....
Worry is a good indicator you are indecisive.  When you devote time to thoughts of worry, it is time for a plan. Time is better spent on a plan, your goal and action.

How come I am always living from one pay check to the next?
These wondering thoughts of "How come"  put you in a no win situation.  This is a good question, if you are prepared to do something about it.  Your success has its foundation in personal balance. Learn about ways to master balance in your health, your wealth and your relationships.

I can't do that, I am too old/too young/ too shy/too poor/too something!
When you limit the possibilities you limit your choices and the opportunities that are out there.  When there is a focus on the obstacles, you miss the clear path to success. Pursue excellence and be a creator, not a victim of your circumstances.

Fleeting judgements of others...  their physical appearance, what they own and comparing to your own appearance and possessions.
This is an easy one to fall into, our judgements come quickly to us. There are two ways here, the negative judgements fuel criticism and lower our self worth, while positive judgements can magnify   the picture we have of our own capability, our self worth and sharpen our motivation.

The mind is a beautiful playground and does what it thinks you want it to.
When you master your fleeting thoughts you can devote more time to thinking of success.

Unlock your best future

My words are centred in the desire and intention to help people bring about their best and connect to their best future.

The Power of Questions

My weekly posts generally start out as a light bulb moment or nagging thought...stuff that I want to write about and this week the nagging thought was," do I ask good questions?" The questions that make you stop and think, questions that check you in and keep you on track.  Questions and the style of how I use those questions is a big part of what I do.  The power of the right, the deep, the get to the core feeling questions make a big difference for knowing self and for goal clarity.

When you ask the right questions to expand how you view your own life it turns into right choices.  Precise questions weed out the fact from fiction and shake you out of the slumber of "this is the way it is".

We know good questions make a difference in our connecting with others,  it makes sense then to ask yourself good questions to connect with your sense of self. Watch out though, it is not the demanding put on the spot questions....tell me the 3 reasons why you chose your job? (groan)...No, questions which are more the gentle intuitive style that brings out the best in you and the best in others.

The power of precise questions has the ability to expand your ideas and to challenge your view.

This week, I put the focus on how good am I at asking questions.  How many questions have I asked of myself or of others that were of quality?  I wanted more questions that are precise and come from my curiosity to discover and understand.

I want to get better at this questioning, move away from just the general safe questions and more into the juicy, how do you know type questions.  Questions that would deepen my intentions and guide my choices.

 If you start with just the general questions of "what would I like to be doing in six months" you can just so easily accept  conditioned responses and in a short time,  those answers carry no meaning for you and dissolve.

Your questions spark the goals of possibilities, a statement of purpose and a willingness to design your life. When you reflect on what you want from life, the goals you desire, you start from what is most important, what stirs you, what will have you cry out YES!    Precise questions that will strengthen your ability to stay to the finish.

The power of precise questions activates your own unique path and purpose.
Questions like:

What would happen if...?
Just suppose you could...?
What lead you to believe .......?
Why do you do....?
What do I desire?
What do I want more of?
What do I want less of?
How come I keep doing......?
Why is my life so amazing?

& one last word from Ghandi

Unlock your best future

My words are centred in the desire and intention to help people bring about their best and connect to their best future.


My Fabulous Life

Do you know what message you are following? 
Your thinking, your beliefs are getting in your way.
What if this message is not taking you toward your goals?

I am a believer that whatever you think will happen is going to happen. It is from this place of belief that I am gradually and stubbornly slow to understand that my thoughts, the messages I tell myself are the triggers to how I feel, how I act, how I see a problem, the goals I prepare and reach for, how I make my decisions, the risks I am prepared to take.  I keep reminding myself that my thoughts, my beliefs are the basis of how I show up in my life.  It is up to me to make it fabulous.

The times I ask myself why is this happening to me, why is it so hard, why does this problem keep happening, why are my plans not coming together, this is the opportunity to reflect on the core beliefs that are giving me grief.  

It is the times when I am in a slump, when I just can't see the good or the possible in a situation I am more aware of the hidden beliefs that are dominant in my mind. These are the times when those beliefs gain momentum and constrict my energy, fill me with doubt, cause the body to ache and tighten. The beliefs of how much value, self worth and esteem I have and how prepared I am to show up.  The beliefs that limit my ability, that hold me back or sabotage my efforts and result in frustration when it is not working out.  

What if,  you view the tough times, the slump, the depressive state as an opportunity to look at things in a new way?  What if, you accept the challenge and face it with courage, to open your heart and mind and examine the message you are following, the beliefs that are showing up as a pattern in your life and holding you back from a fabulous life.  It does not have to be like this.  Your attitude to the problem is now you are a truth seeker and declaring to yourself this is a good time to say those limiting beliefs are not in my best interest and this is the best time to create a new way of looking at things.

One's destination is never a place,
but rather a new way of looking at things.
                                                            Henry Miller, 1891-1980

A Fabulous Life is Yours to Create

What matters is what you do now
Awareness of what you believe is an opportunity to focus on what you want
Your perspective expands, your thinking is creative
You will choose what serves you and drop what doesn't serve you
You feel good more of the time
Things that bothered you, situations that challenged you are your moments of expansion.

Progress is made as you keep looking for better ways of being and doing.

Unlock your best future

My words are centred in the desire and intention to help people bring about their best and connect to their best future.

My Fabulous Life

Do you know what message you are following? 
Your thinking, your beliefs are getting in your way.
What if this message is not taking you toward your goals?

I am a believer that whatever you think will happen is going to happen. It is from this place of belief that I am gradually and stubbornly slow to understand that my thoughts, the messages I tell myself are the triggers to how I feel, how I act, how I see a problem, the goals I prepare and reach for, how I make my decisions, the risks I am prepared to take.  I keep reminding myself that my thoughts, my beliefs are the basis of how I show up in my life.  It is up to me to make it fabulous.

The times I ask myself why is this happening to me, why is it so hard, why does this problem keep happening, why are my plans not coming together, this is the opportunity to reflect on the core beliefs that are giving me grief.  

It is the times when I am in a slump, when I just can't see the good or the possible in a situation I am more aware of the hidden beliefs that are dominant in my mind. These are the times when those beliefs gain momentum and constrict my energy, fill me with doubt, cause the body to ache and tighten. The beliefs of how much value, self worth and esteem I have and how prepared I am to show up.  The beliefs that limit my ability, that hold me back or sabotage my efforts and result in frustration when it is not working out.  

What if,  you view the tough times, the slump, the depressive state as an opportunity to look at things in a new way?  What if, you accept the challenge and face it with courage, to open your heart and mind and examine the message you are following, the beliefs that are showing up as a pattern in your life and holding you back from a fabulous life.  It does not have to be like this.  Your attitude to the problem is now you are a truth seeker and declaring to yourself this is a good time to say those limiting beliefs are not in my best interest and this is the best time to create a new way of looking at things.

One's destination is never a place,
but rather a new way of looking at things.
                                                            Henry Miller, 1891-1980

A Fabulous Life is Yours to Create

What matters is what you do now
Awareness of what you believe is an opportunity to focus on what you want
Your perspective expands, your thinking is creative
You will choose what serves you and drop what doesn't serve you
You feel good more of the time
Things that bothered you, situations that challenged you are your moments of expansion.

Progress is made as you keep looking for better ways of being and doing.

Unlock your best future

My words are centred in the desire and intention to help people bring about their best and connect to their best future.