Words have Power

We know our words are a significant part of how we shape our mental health and our image.

The thoughts we create and collect shape the words that we use and the actions that follow.

I spent some time this morning to affirm what I wanted from me and my life and the funny thing is that most of the words started with the letter "P".

 So, I started writing a list of all the "P" words that I want to show up for me everyday and gauge what is their strength and resonance in my life.

This turned out to be some deep fun to keep me on track and sharpen the focus...journalling with flair.

I will pick my top 5, and rate them out of 10.  I may want to come back and rate the difference again at another time.

So here they are my "P" words today in no particular order.


I rate this one 8 out of 10.  Not sure what a 10 for me would look like, but I think it would be after drinking lots of coffee.  Sometimes passion means to be busy, involved, on target.  When most of the time passion is looking out for what you love and drawing more of that to you.
Right now, passion is the best me, the one that jumps out of bed, curious about my life and enjoying who I am and what I do. Passion feeds into my courage to say bring it on I am ready.


9 out of 10.  I don't know if I would give a 10 to anything, so 9 is feeling good right now.
Peace is a lot easier to come by when you limit news and social media intake. Peace comes from within, and  it is there when I meditate, when I accept it is what it is, when I let go.  Acceptance of who I am and my circumstances.  Peace is breathing slow and steady with a clear mind and it settles my chattering impulses.


I am giving this one a 4. I only sometimes look out for it and I don't spend as much time asking the "what is my purpose question". It doesn't seem to rate highly for me, not such a big deal.  As long as I am learning and helping and achieving, then purpose is there. No title or label to give it a tag. I am ok with that.  Purposeful sits comfortably in the background.


I am a seeker of play and I want to rate this one a 7.  There has to be more play, more fun and not take myself too seriously.  I want to see the funny side of life, look for the light.  Play with words!  Play can get lost as an adult.  We can organise it and make time for it but it's the disorganised, unexpected moments that is a very natural way of being that I want in my life.


I deserve a dignified comfortable life.  My prosperity rating is 9 out of 10.  This is a strong mental attitude that I affirm every day.  I always get what I need and I know that the world is full of possibilities.  I enjoy this feeling of prosperity and I want it to be strong in my life and as a guiding word for others.

Highly recommend the time out to write down the words you repeat to yourself in your life.  Dig deeper into the words that give you power to fuel your strength of mind and character.

Break the habit of working on your faults

How can you be happy and fulfilled if the focus is on your nagging faults, on what you can't do or what you want to stop or what you don't have in your life?  It is just not possible.

Where you spend most of your focus will determine whether the habits you create can either work for you or not at all. Ok, you may be at a time when you want to  change up your habits because of your perceived faults.  If you only look at your faults, that is all you see and spending your time fixing your faults will narrow the view of yourself. It is not the uplifting motivating change you were expecting.

Negative momentum has a short motivation span and can be useful as a spark to get you going but when you stay with only working on your faults, you do get stuck.

Change the view.

Focus on what you bring to this life.  Create the great habits that are life affirming and exploit your strengths.  Yes, you do have wonderful qualities.  Your qualities should be the most important asset to you, not your faults.

There is a motivation cycle as you focus on your qualities and set habits that work for you.

The habits you have instilled in your life are the foundation for your success and success inspires that state of feeling in you that all is right in your world. Ok, now when you have habit achievement that feeds back into the loop of success as something tangible you create and attain and there it is again that feeling of success.  Habits stimulate the feeling of success.

You are tapping into the motivation and inspiration to stay consistent and reach beyond yourself.

When you create new habits with the incentive of removing your faults, it is easy at first then gets tougher to keep. Your faults just keep popping up when you give them so much attention.   Break the habit of working on your faults and look at what thoughts, words and actions will expand your qualities and strengths.  These are the positive life enriching habits that will get easier to mesh into your life and sustain.

May your wishes be fulfilled

As a child you breathed life into your wishes
A soft hush of the unknown yearning
You knew what you wanted
Your wishes showed you it is possible
Another time, another space and your wishes will be fulfilled
You let them go and continued to play
May your wishes be fulfilled.

Now you are all grown up
A million experiences have kept you alert
You are wary of disappointment
Separation says wishes belong to the stories of fairytales
Another time, another space, a door is closed
You let them go and continued to work.

There is a whisper
May your wishes be fulfilled.

You have stopped to listen
There it is again
A soft hush of the unknown yearning
The rush of knowing it is possible has returned
Another time, another space and you are home
Be encouraged your wishes never left you
You let them go and they stayed in your heart
May your wishes be fulfilled.

What is true for you?

What is true for you?  You might stumble over this one as it is not often , if ever, you would give your self the time to think about it. You might think this is silly, you know it, but when asked it is difficult to put the answer into words.

Put it another way...What do you believe in?
What is possible....what dreams and imaginings do you invite into your life?
What does the gatekeeper in your mind allow?
What is thrilling or scary?
What do you seek out?
Who do you attract to your life?
How do you see yourself?
How do you compare yourself to others?

I write and coach to serve others to design their best life.  This is done through setting the intention and crafting the goals.  To experience this happening in your life you would include the step to reflect where you are at with what you think, feel and believe is possible...your mindset...how you see the world and where you fit.

You are starting at the wrong place if you charge ahead with writing out your goals and plans without mining what is true for you.  For your best results include at the beginning and throughout the process of goal mapping and achievements.

What is true for you is so very important.  It is important to know what will pull you forward and what could hold you back.  What you are prepared to let go and what you are prepared to allow into your life.

These kind of "look into my soul"questions tend to be put to the side, hidden yet always disrupting or distracting you.  I have found that rushing to script the goals and running to make them happen can be a minefield if you have not truly thought through this step.

Give yourself the time to know what you think is possible, what you believe about yourself and what is true for you.  Your perception on how things are meant to be for you is your gatekeeper to open up or close down your intention and goals.

Look at knowing your self better than anyone else is your strength and protector and fuels your intuition, your inner guidance.  Intuition practice will be your greatest asset for designing your best life.

Still having trouble with your answer to the question...What is true for you?

Habits are a good place to begin because they reveal a lot about us. When it comes to goals it will be your habits that will power you into action.  It is our habits that provide a mirror to reveal what we believe is true for us.

So, S.I.F.T. through your habits.

Select the habits you love and the habits you hate and why you do them and what is your argument for continuing to have them as your habits.  You are taking the autopilot off and finding out what is important for you.

Identify and write down the top 10 aha learnings. Writing THE list is the beginning.  Once you are done, you don't need it anymore. You are at the stage where you are knowing yourself better and true for you is now at the front of your thinking.  You are moving through discovery.

Find the small gems in your day that bring an instant smile. Those quick reactions to the smallest of moments reveal more to you and your truth.  Find the smallest of habits that you intentionally created and what is their worth to you.

Test out what you have discovered about what is true for you in other situations.  Are you open to think and act differently depending on the situation?
You may have played games and quizzes that ask you want you would do in a scenario or you have watched a reality show and have expressed what you would do if that was you.  Observe your words and thoughts for information on your perception and reaction to out of ordinary situations.

Your journey of self-discovery is always moving, never linear and always expanding.  We will spend our lifetime on this journey of discovery, reflection and interpretation. Is that true for you?

Don't fake the positive


When all is going well positive comes easily.  You know the genuine feel of positive and the ecstasy and strength of will you have when all is going your way.  When there are problems that genuine feeling of positive just doesn't bubble up so easily.

There is a feeling of fuzziness and lethargy hanging around you that causes you to question what you want & if you are in the right place. You can't fake positive, there is no benefit to you to fake positive.

When you are in a dark place, you know it won't last but you are there and you may as well make the most of the situation.

How would I know the light, if there was no darkness?

Your completeness has come about through joy and suffering.
In every situation fall back on that knowing feeling of gratitude.

Gratitude is the attitude for every condition and circumstance. 

Stretch your emotions, claim the attitude and use the darkness to sharpen how much you know about yourself.  Setbacks and despondency are all part of the mix, along with expectation and resilience to widen the life you are living and constantly creating.

Embrace each strength and weakness, each perfect and imperfect quality.  Faking positive when inside you are crumbling will not improve the circumstances.  It will only delay your return.