Turning Goals into Simple

You do want your goals to work for you, you want them to stick and you want your goals to be completed, why else would you go to the effort, only to leave them behind littered with the "just didn't get it done" excuses .  

You are on purpose when designing your goals. You start out with great intentions, you want the goals to stick and achieve the end result. Sometimes the tools that you use, get in the way of a great plan.
I have used a few models to help with setting up my goals and through trial and error when I have goals that happen it is because I used the SiMPLE baseline for my goal design.   I wanted my goals to happen, goals that would stretch, and be a constructive part of my life and I wanted to remove the fuss about how to write a goal and make it simple.

I have put together 6 parts to consider.....

Here is my SiMPLE acronym, a baseline for goal design.

S for Sensory Specific

There is a lot of power when you joyfully expect your goal to happen, there is no doubt in your mind you are on target to achieve your result.  Visualisation is a great tool to use. Imagine your goal as achieved, what are you saying, who are you telling, what are other people saying. Create the expectancy with your senses.  Get all your senses involved in what it will look like, smell like, feel like, be very specific, lots of detail, capture the moment and relive the moment.   Your goal is important to you, so make the most of all your senses to see it as done.

i for Initiated by you

How can you be 100% responsible?  Your future decisions depend on reaching your goal.  Start with small habit changes that will move you towards your goal. I have written a few times about habits being the key to sticking with your goal, it does make the difference between keep going and falling behind.  Your habits help you so much with the daily small things and action to give you momentum without having to always push and remind yourself what you are after.

M is for the Milestone, Mapping and Measure

It is a strategic move to map your course, set your milestones and measure your progress. How do you know if you have achieved if you don't measure?  Your mapping shows you where you are now to where you want to be.  Break down the goals to the near future, what you want to achieve in
1 month, 3 months, 6 months and have your stretch goals mapped out for the future in one or 2, 5 or 10 years.

P is for Positive

You are choosing to be positive. Positively positive you will achieve your outcome! Set yourself up mentally to commit to the path and stick to it.  Use the positive statement, the affirmations to train your mind.  Keep that goal firmly in your sight. Use stick it notes, phone reminders...anything that will keep your focus on your big audacious goal.

L is for Learn

I love this one, because really it is the process, and this ends up being far more significant than the outcome. The people you meet, the learning that comes to you, each day you learn something new.  There are opportunities everywhere. You are putting yourself out there and be prepared to receive far more than you thought possible.

E is for Ecological

When designing your goals make sure what you are after has no negative impact on you or others.  Remember, 100% responsible. You can't design a goal with the expectation that someone else has to change, you can only work on yourself. The environment you create is filled with gratitude, kindness and joy as these are the feelings to energise and propel you to your goal.

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