What motivates you?
Is it being competitive?Is it about facing the challenge?
Is it to keep up with others?
Is it to prove someone else wrong?
Is it that others are relying on you?
is it being in a team?
Is it the reward that is a motivator?
or, Your dreams keep pushing you forward?
How to motivate is not one size fits all.
New Year has come and gone for another year, fresh starts make you feel good and filled with hope that this time I will follow through and for some, by February the blues can start to settle on your shoulders as you realise you were just kidding yourself, the resolution is now just a laugh away and maybe I will get it right next time.
What is the reason I couldn't stay motivated to follow through and make it happen?
There is a big industry out there devoted to positive thinking, building self confidence and motivation and so many worthwhile resources. Why, then doesn't all of it work for everyone?
I have read about the megasuccessful people in the world and how they did it. I paid attention followed their rules, but it didn't always feel right for me, it wasn't a good fit. I would lose the motivation to continue and become totally ripe for negative thoughts, fear, guilt, blame and shame.
One method of motivation or off the shelf program is not the whole answer. You need to find out what will work for you. Find that out and you will have your own secret of success and you won't be beating yourself up along the way.
One simple quick way to find out what motivates you.
Think about what you have done in the past. Events such as winning a race, learning to swim, gaining a qualification, winning the job. The times you wanted to do something and you made it happen.
What made the difference for you to make it happen?
& the opposite, what about the times when it hasn't worked and you just didn't get the results you were after. What did you do for motivation?
What made the difference for you to give up?
Simple? Yes, Stick to what works for you.
Look to what has worked for you before, trust your instincts to know what is best for you.
Nothing is wrong with you, it's the motivational methods you have used that are not your own unique fit.
Find out what you need, to do your best work and be in charge of your own motivational program.
Unlock your best future
My words are centred in the desire and intention to help people bring about their best and connect to their best future.
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