# 2 Thriving - Time to Choose

I am really excited to be sitting here at the laptop and writing this post.  

The strengthening exercises from last week’s post would have you feeling a massive change in how you see yourself.

Just a quick reminder about last week…I offered 3 strengthening exercises as a means to get you started to thrive over survive.  

No.#1 was about your first action in the morning and tuning into thoughts of good news and appreciation.  Just a few moments as you wake to get you focused on stretching your thrive.

The second exercise and this one required a little more determination to create the habit of writing about yourself and appreciating who you are.  The exercise is to write about yourself – everyday.  Start with five great attributes that you love about yourself, do this everyday for 5 days to know what it is like to be so awesome.  You will want to keep the habit.

By doing these 2 exercise you find you are lifting your energy and your expectation and your connection.  

Whisps of judgement will come in and play in your mind and try to pull   back to old news of "only meant to survive..be thankful for that"If you spoke critically to another person everyday, like you do to yourself then surviving is all you can do.

Those 5 good things your are writing about you everyday are developing discernment of what is unworthy stuff and to pick it up quickly.   The 3 strengthening exercises have the purpose of helping you give up the unworthy stuff. 

Remember, surviving was drawing your attention to what you don’t have, what you can’t do and just not good enough.  The habits and thought process that have developed from this outlook of never enough, there is always lack and struggle in how you see yourself and getting ahead is a tough act to break.  
But it is possible to create the new habit of self appreciation.

Looking back, you have seen sparks of brilliance, you surprised yourself at what you have accomplished.

Imagine these sparks are your natural state, what a life of joy and ease you would experience.

Remember, it is applying the thrive that will make the change, not just knowing about it.

Unworthy – not deserving of your respect or attention.
Give up the unworthy stuff. 
Let it go.
 It is not yours.
You do not own it, you do not need to keep it.
Unworthy stuff does not have your name and you do not need to give it your attention.

You do not need to be defensive, even when it is so subtle you can hardly notice.
You are not your own worst enemy anymore, you do not need to hide behind logic and reason.
 Unworthy stuff works in a state of denial and refuses to accept how you can thrive in any circumstance.

You cannot ignore any longer your birthright to thrive.

You can continue to choose to vibrate the thoughts of unworthy, inadequate, poor OR make the decision to raise your thoughts and action to appreciation, joy and affluence.

When you started on this path, your awareness of what you want is now clearer and stronger and your choice of daily thrive has become easier.   

FYI...What you are experiencing is a Universal Law - the Law of Vibration. 

By lifting your thoughts to appreciation and love you are seeing the Law of Vibration in positive action.  Everything in the Universe moves, vibrates and travels in circular patterns, the same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires and wills. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.”

 Next post on thriving will be on living with coincidence and the principle of cause and effect. A good fit with the third exercise for strengthening. Great news for thriving in the 3 big areas of health, money and relationships. Very interesting!

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