Why have a coach?

The successful athlete knows the power of coaching to improve their skills and keep them focused on their end goal.  What those people want to achieve in life, is the same as everyone else and that is to get out of their own way, see more clearly with intentional thought and build behaviours for action.  We see the coach role diversifying into many fields, like relationship, business, wellness, career to offer a few.    

It is not something new, but certainly is at a stage where it is far more excepted as a good decision to access the support and scaffold on the skills and experience of others to better our life opportunities.

You can do it alone but by investing in a coach you can achieve far more and get there a lot faster.  

Let me put forward a few simple reasons to answer "why have a coach" and let me know what you believe and if it is worthwhile having a coach for your own needs or as a business need.

1. A coach can be a powerful resource

The coach helps with the focus on your goals, with no other motive than to increase your chances for engagement leading to success.

2. Use a coach as a push and pull leverage

Coaches can ask the challenging questions, they provide the stimulus to motivate to the call for action, point out the blind spots, know your strengths.  You want to move forward, you want to make changes, a coach helps you push it forward.

3. Coaches provide accountability

Someone who is on your side and motivates us to act. A coach offers clarity to help you invest your time and your energy in only the most beneficial opportunities, see it as cutting through the clutter to get you to your preferred reality.

4. A coach has a mission

The reason coaches move into this arena, is that they have a strong mission to help others.  Use their mission to support your mission.

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