A lesson on follow through

Like an open journal the once a week post lets me spill what tugs at my thoughts in a hundred words or less.

What I express may hit the target for another, a chance to spark an idea, a commune of like minds who are on the look out for every atom of inspiration.

Today, this lesson is for me and as I share, it may be for you.

Everyone and anyone can start the steps towards your goal,  the key is the consistency to keep going and  with the enthusiasm you had on the first day.  Here is the weak link...the follow through is the toughest part.  I can be ok for a week, maybe more but the tiny winy shiny object syndrome can grab me and pull me away from what was something important and worthwhile to deliver on my goals.

"Follow through" is the most important action to your goal design kit.Let me separate it into Parts to explain. Only 3 parts -  Parts A to C and the 2 Essentials hidden in plain sight.

Part A, you are not in the place you expected to be on that particular day.  You really do want to follow through but the whining sets in......WHY!!, on some of the days you should you just don't,  the follow through can be such a bitch.  Put the doona over my head, it's not working for me....it's the toddler coming out, or is that the inner child?  I could stop and leave the follow through. It feels like a thief stealing my options.

Part B, the restart is about your kit of strengths, your list of abilities, the memories of past glory.  I can do this, I can keep going, I am awesome! A reminder that you are an avid seeker and collector of Inspiration, how learning is fun and it is a thrill to be challenged and have the opportunities.
Of course, naturally ....  I am deliberate and careful of the choice I make, the habits to master, the thoughts I cultivate all with the purpose of doing better, being better. I am fully equipped for the next action step towards my goal.  

Part C of the follow through lesson...simple really....be kind to yourself and oh, here's a nudge, just get moving.
Call your coach, call your accountability buddy, do the exercise, catch up on sleep...whatever it takes to get you back on task.

Parts A to C  are real feelings we all have and a process we get better at, we acknowledge it happens and know what to do next.

& the 2 essentials hidden in plain sight, well .....

Follow through requires two things, one is responsibility and the other is accountability.

Part A helps to let out all the bad energy, the doubts and "what if's" that are hanging around you

 You acknowledge there is a problem and take responsibility

Part B is necessary to take stock of all that is good and possible and you are more than ready

You strengthen your determination, you take stock of how far you have come and what it will take to get there.

Part C is making sure you see self care as your fundamental right.

You take action, first for yourself and then action what is required.

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