Consider feeding your mind and soul with good words.
There is such an abundance of quotes and affirmations out there to inspire and challenge. Maybe too many quotes and they just waft over you with no real impact. So, I thought I would pick out my top 10 for now and just spend a little time chewing over what does it mean for me.
Word food to feed the mind and soul.
It just sits under the surface, a paradox that individuality is celebrated, just as long as you conform to everyone else. RWE a champion of individualism in the mid 19th century, his quote is so relevant for now. A needed reminder, to be yourself, to know your opinions before the opinion of the masses, to create your own space in a crowd of conformity labels.
This I do, I pingpong between complicated to simple back to complicated. I whisper this to myself when I labour over what, when and how. Life is really simple.
Just one of the many quotes from The Tao Te Ching that are pure ethereal wisdom.
One small action - you know there is better and you want a piece of that. One small decision that can make a big difference. When you know what you want, the next small action you want is how you will make it happen.
No big grand plans or talking about doing it, just one small action for change to how you want it to be. One small action feeds into your habits.
Look at the habits you have created over time that are disrupting your peace.
Add an action that will transform one habit in your morning.
Remember, one small action makes a big difference.
This is from my post on 21st January. I swear by the small steps, the habit change, the 1% difference for the sum of success.
Looking deep into nature reminds me of my instincts and my creativity and best of all, the peace that comes when you just take it all in. The water analogy describes the how for your life and the ease of flow and being flexible. Nature does provide the wisdom when looking to create your best life.
They are the best teachers!
Rumi, a 13th century poet with words that continue to impact us. What a gift to us! I picked this one for the top 10 as a reminder that you already have what you need.
This is a quote from a previous post of mine & the innate certainty that you can develop with your inner wisdom.
Every morning I set aside at least 30 minutes for quiet thought and meditation, I have been doing this practise for so long now that my mind and body urges me to sit, focus on my breathe and be enveloped in quiet meditation.
I cherish this routine as it has provided a gateway into knowing myself better and to strengthen my focus on what is important to me. The time out has helped me to limit the feelings of urgency, haste, confusion, doubt and build on the thoughts of safety, assuredness, direction.
So many benefits from doing this simple daily exercise and one benefit I want to touch on today is the friendship you develop with your inner wisdom.
Let's say you are ready to set up your goals, yet the patterns of procrastination and limiting beliefs in who you are and what you can do are a minefield to making your goals happen. You think it is an easier path to invent excuses and apportion blame. This small thinking is not the safe option, actually it is the more dangerous as you gradually separate more from your true identity and your inner calling.
What if you gave yourself ten minutes a day to not push or pull, to just sit and listen to your breathing? So simple.
When you quieten your mind and close the door on the chatter, you enter into a friendship with your inner wisdom. At first, it is awkward but when you persist, you become more acquainted, you trust yourself more and there is no space for rebukes, judgement and criticism. The resistance is known yet not an excuse anymore.
Find your best time for 10 minutes, explore what other ways you can do to develop your friendship with your inner wisdom. Soon finding the time is no longer an issue and you will expand your determination and focus for what is good for you.
You will reside in a place where you know that what I want, wants me and what I seek, seeks me.
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