"Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere."  Albert Einstein

For the next few weeks my posts will be centred on quotes from Albert Einstein. Quotes can be just fleeting words in your mind, you acknowledge there is wisdom yet the meaning doesn't stick until you pull it apart and put it back together for your life. You attach meaning when the words come alive for you. So I chose 6 quotes and over the coming weeks I will let my imagination explore the wonders of Einstein's powerful words for my life.

Logical reasoning can be your first go to when working on a problem. You put together a valid argument, the pros and cons, test assumptions, check validity and reach a conclusion. 

I have used logic may times to work out what my best path would be and the logistics of getting to where I want to go or want to do.  Imagination was of more use when I was younger and yet once at school, I was taught that logical reasoning was the accepted way to show validity,  a trusted intellectual method to gain the correct answer...to get you from A to B.  No imagination required.

With this quote from Einstein, I am in awe that as a scientist, he valued imagination and its purpose of expanding what is, to what could be. Logic has its purpose, but not at the exclusion of your imagination.

When we look at goal design, it is recommended you start this journey with your intentions, your desires, your imagination. "Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it; Boldness has genius, power and magic in it? Johann Wolfgang Goethe.  

Imagination before logic. Imagination to open you to everywhere and every possibility and then move your thinking to logical reasoning to formulate and reach the goals.

I don't see Albert Einstein's quote for my life as an either/or, or that one follows the other.    A better combination is a mash of the two.  A combination of logic with daily imagination fuel the possibilities for each day. When I combine logic and imagination I know it serves me to really cement my intentions and goals.  Imagine the possibilities, no reasoning required and it will spark your desire to design your best life. "Imagination will take you everywhere" and you give your life a wider perspective and determination to go from A to B.   

Unlock your best future

My words are centred in the desire and intention to help people bring about their best and connect to their best future.

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