Series on Success, chapter 4

You have that gut feeling that you want to shake things up.

You are more than ready to change your job, to look for a new career. It can be anything or even everything to help you progress and make this life, a life of wonder and magic.Dreams and ambitions fill your head daily.

The determination and excitement you are feeling are your catalyst to creating your best future. 

Now, not every day is going to be a winning day, there will be times when stuff happens and this is when your resourcefulness kicks in.

Resourcefulness before Resources

You are resourceful when you know there is more than one way to get to your goal.
Your resourcefulness shines through when you are strategic with your targets and with your resources and you have worked out what you want to see at each signpost along the way.

You nuture your resourcefulness with clarity.... 

  • Be strategic in how you go about getting what you want.
  • You are taking managed risks. 
  • There is a daily focus on your priorities.
  • Question your day, what went well and what can I do better?

Resourcefulness has always been there for you and it shows up when ...

  • There is belief in you and your capabilities. 
  • You appreciate what's working and where it is working. Small things acknowledged can be big acts of self love.
  • You are present and give yourself the time to soak up the gratitude for who you are and everything you have and will be.

Resourcefulness requires you to practise discipline in your life...

  • Especially the emotions.  You are more than your emotions and when anxious or over stressed then clarity of thought and positive vibes is lost.
  • Put rest, silence and play at the top of your list. Ease, flow and peace are the biggest indicators there is success in your life.
  • Look for what you can learn with every challenge.
You are resourceful when you are creative in your solutions and willing to take the risk.
You are resourceful when you look for ways through or around rather than ways to block.
You are resourceful when you push through your procrastination and take action.

Success does require your work, your time, your effort and your focus. Don't ever give up on yourself.

Your resourcefulness shows up in being practical in how you have thought out your vision and have mapped your goals.

Remember!  You created the vision of your future and it is a grand plan, a great legacy.
"The vision we create in our mind is the blueprint of our reality" Eckhardt Tolle


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