Do you set up your goals for the calendar year or somewhere in between?
Wait - I need to start with the obvious question -
Do you set up your goals?
Is your goal setting fun or is it a chore?
Are your goals so close to you, that you think about them every day?
Do you have big audacious goals in the mix?
Do you get excited about what it will be like when you see your goals happen?
Ok, just some questions to get you reflecting on how you are going with your goals as it can be just the remedy for you at this time of year to see how far you have come.

When your goals are fun to make happen and you are profiting from the experience, you are unstoppable!
Here are just 4 gems to help your goals be fun, profitable and unstoppable.
No. 1 What were you thinking?
Has this happened to you? It seemed like a perfectly sane moment when I wrote the goal but now it is not the right fit, I have changed a little, see things differently, gained more perspective.
The right goals for you do not require to be pulled, they push you along - you can change or tweak them. What is more important to making it happen, is that you are thinking of them and they are a part of your life.
When defining your goal remember to savour the moment, don't rush it. It is worth your time to imagine what it will be like when you reach the goal, how you are going to get there and what that will be like.
Goals are so much more than words on paper and sticky notes, they need to come alive for you. Make it an occasion, goals are not your shopping list, they are very important to you planning your best future - give it the ceremony it deserves and have fun with putting them together.
No 2. When is the best time?
Some use the New Year as an incentive to look at what to do in the future, that can come from a sense of frustration , you know, because you have been slack in the last year.
Frustration is a motivator but I find my goals loose their impact after awhile and end up on the never never plan. When is entirely up to you, don't rely on custom to get you started. If your goals have gone stale, it time to take another look. Make your own goal anniversary dates, and do the daily check in on what you will do and have done that is helping you reach your goal.
No. 3. How do I keep them fresh?
When you want to keep something fresh, you put it in the right environment. Yes?
Would you keep your milk on the kitchen bench? So , for your goals to stay fresh, you choose the right environment.
One way is to take stock of what you have accomplished - a pat on the back time.
What are you most proud of?
What would be your newspaper headline for what you have achieved?
What have you done differently?
What was so exciting about what you have accomplished?
Now that you are pumped, ask yourself these questions?
What was boring to you and how are you going to change it up?
Where did you get stuck and what are some different, quirky ways of making it happen?
Who helped me along the way and how did they help me?
What can I do for them?
Another way is to be creative with how you have written your goals.
Stick it notes everywhere
Funny titles for each of your goals - one of my goals has to do with healthy habits - so I called it my "Sleek, Strong, Sexy" goal.
Have fun with images, draw, copy and paste, use other mediums to really rev up the intensity of the emotions you have attached to getting your goal. Keep the sense of adventure and fun in your goals.
No 4. Why is this important to me?
To say "I want to be healthier", or " I want to earn more money" are good thoughts, though they are missing the crucial parts of why you want to be healthier, how you are going to get healthier, when you want to see a difference and what difference you are after. Those really defined parts that make it a goal.
It's the WHY you are setting the goal that makes it unstoppable. Don't lose sight of the WHY, the absolute must for accomplishing the goal and this can come from a positive or negative reason. As long as the WHY for your goal is so important to you, it will keep you motivated and unstoppable.
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