7 Important conditions for learning

Look for these conditions in your life to improve your chances when you are seeking to change it up or learn something new.    

1. Awareness and pay close attention

How:  When it is important, you will be present in the situation. Multi-tasking detracts from learning. 

2. A degree of challenge and difference

How: What you are discovering is moving you to a degree of discomfort and it fuels your curiosity and you want to know more. 

3. Engage with the experience

How: Participation is the key here, no last minute rushes, excuses or forgotten tasks. These new experiences require your attention and action.

4. Reflect, rehearse, meditate

How: Ask why, ask how, analyse what it means for you and rehearse in your mind, see yourself doing it. Critical and creative thinking is as important as doing.

5. Emotionally aroused

How: Your positive or negative emotions you have attached to the learning experience trigger memory and retention.

6. Active and passionate

How: To do something once is not learning, it requires focus, effort, commitment and persistence. Passion is the driving force for your learning.

7. Positive attitude for the experience and for the outcome

How: This condition is the catalyst for learning. You want it and you are enthusiastic about the process and are committed to the outcome. 

"Experience coupled with attention leads to physical changes in the structure and future functioning of the nervous system.  This leads us with a clear physiological fact...moment by moment we choose and sculpt how our ever changing minds will work, we choose who we will be in the next moment in a very real sense, and these choices are left embossed in physical form on our material selves." Schwartz and Begley, 2002. The mind and brain; neuroplasticity and the power of mental force, Regan Books, NY.

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