small, short term,
big, long term,
specific or general
Positive Intentions to improve and strengthen your life,
your relationships or your surroundings
Strengthen the resolve
Focus the mind
Stay the distance
Keep your intentions in sight, always
When the intention is set
You can see clearly
Sometimes it happens , that the times when we most need to set out our intentions, this is when we are least likely to do so. This is the Millie story. Millie had the intention to excel at her studies in a Bachelor of Business. Millie was motivated, and excited by the study and to gain her qualification. Staying on track with this intention was ok when things were going smoothly and there was not much to distract her. After a few months into her studies, life threw Millie a few curve balls, everyday busy was getting in the way, it was tough and many things were getting in the way of her study and the assignments were not completed on time. The boyfriend left, she had to find other rental accommodation, every day it seemed that something would come up or other people's issues would affect her and take her away from her study. The good intentions at the start were now turning into compromise. Millie neglected her studies and every day it moved her away from her original intention. Before the end of the first year of her studies, Millie found the stress of keeping up too much and left uni.
Millie's story can happen to any of us, we all have those great moments of inspiration, set the intention, put together the goals and then stuff gets in the way. I could quite easily replace Millie's "Stuff" with mine and see it deflect me from my -at the time- inspired intention. Once my intentions are compromised there is the loss of focus leading to neglect of what I want to achieve. It would have been a good time to reset those intentions.
Set the intentions and get them fixed in your mind.
3 things to do
1. Get clear on your intentions
keeps you progressing towards your aim or plan
2. Write it down, speak it out
3. Revisit, rewind, replay, refocus on your intention when you are feeling that "stuff" is causing a detour
When "stuff" gets in the way and you want to get back on track, remember that when your intentions are set:
- You know what you want from life
- You know what you expect from others
- Your priorities fall into place
- You are not tempted to detour from course
- There is authority in your demeanour
- You are not paralysed by the wide array of options
- You ENJOY every moment of seeing your intentions come to reality
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