"To be conscious of one's shadow is the first step to self awareness"
Carl Jung
Rumi says, " Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion".
YET, we give in to the fear of failure and the limiting beliefs. These "fears" hold us back from our best.
Do you know these fears? Remember we have all failed at something, we are not perfect and why as you mature we listen to this fear over anything else? For some it grips them to stay where they are, to conform and just exist because the fear convinces them that it is being done for their protection.
Abraham Maslow in his research into motivation says that only 1% of people attain self actualisation and Karen Horney argued that people have an innate compulsion to self-actualise. All that is needed is for barriers to be removed and then individuals would naturally, “develop into a mature, fully realized adult, just as an acorn will develop into an oak tree.”
We can take on the meaning of failure as something bad that has happened to us, that we are less, we are open to ridicule and dismissed from society - see it as something to fear. Very harsh when you think about it as we also know that failing is a way of learning.
This is what I have learnt
To know that it is there to protect will flip your perspective on how to use it. Yes, use it.
Don't ignore it - catch your thinking and listen to what it is saying and in turn, the behaviours you are doing. This raises your self awareness and then make a decision.
For example, you want to be successful, but there is fear holding you back - a fear of success, so the fear says, " I don't want to be successful because I see family breakdown" or, " I'm not worthy enough to handle that responsibility", or "If I fail at this, I will lose everything"... and you may have many more fear statements that you can add to this rubbish pile.
When you listen to these fears, these shadows and you have listened so long without question, you believe them - this is your current truth. You act it out, you can self sabotage, you can procrastinate, you can blame, and many more subtle ways to take you away from what you wanted.
Flip Side
So now you know what these fears are and what they are doing to hold you back,to protect you. You are being kind to yourself and alert to understanding these limiting beliefs. You are building your self awareness.
It is time for the decision. It is time to take responsibility.
Are you going to go along with fear based action, or will you take a stand and go with inspired action?
"I am worthy and capable of success because.....
"If I put myself out there, I will take care of myself by.....
Unlock your best future
Create it Feel it Imagine it - the Universe cooperates
What you think you create
What you feel, you attract
What you imagine you become
All about my business at http://isucceed.info
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