Turning Challenges into Victories

You Choose.

I am in a place now where I am very blessed. I feel I am on top of the mountain looking at those challenges below me and can see where there has been victory along the way.

You would not wish a divorce, a loss, an injury or any kind of disappointment on anyone, the truth is where would your life be, if those challenges were not in your life.  You were able to exercise profound moments of truth to choose how you will act.
Without your challenges you would find your circle of comfort would get even smaller, no place for learning, no place to grow and certainly no place to nurture yourself or anyone else for that matter.

The quirky thing is, if you are not kicking out and making the most of your life you will still face challenges because we will invent them anyway.

We are wired to seek out challenges and stretch our thinking, build up our survival muscles. We all want to conquer something in our lives. It is up to you how you want to deal with it.

You Choose.  Victim or Victory

You Choose.  Give Up or Get Up

You Choose.  Lose it or Learn from it

You Choose.  Darkness/Despair or Strength & Willpower

You Choose. Anxiety or Determination

You Choose.  Poverty or Abundance

What I know to be true - the world is heaven and hell and we have a choice to choose which life we want. We are a community, we all want the same - to be acknowledged, to know love, to live with purpose, to see and feel joy and beauty in all creation. My life has a destiny, I am in it now, right now the present I am at my best. The people I meet, the places I go are here to help me for my divine purpose and just as I am here for you.

All about my business at http://isucceed.info

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